Commentary by Robert J. Kuniegel

Why have so many people that knew Theodore Roosevelt written books about him? Why are people still writing new books about him nearly 100 years after his death? Answer!

TR AMERICAN PATRIOT Corporation hopes you enjoy our books.  Theodore Roosevelt lived his life in a manner that is the only way possible to make government responsive to the people.  He has written how to make meaningful reform possible not only for his generation but for future generations. If we read what he has said.  We only need to interest others in reading what he has said to transform our government into a government that follows his ideals.  It is vary hard not to be inspired by the way he lived his life in total devotion to his country while calling for others to follow his course of action.

Reading the books on TR AMERICAN PATRIOT DOT COM and having others do the same, will develop citizens and leaders capable of transforming American politics into a system of government that will be honest, and responsive to “a square deal”.  A square deal has no special deals for the rich, the middle class, or the poor. Our government today has degenerated into a system that rewards citizens for not being productive.  It promotes entitlements under the guise of helping people, when in fact it only helps politicians to protect their own royal positions.  This was the type of government Theodore Roosevelt fought against and won. He was a visionary. He knew this fight would need to be fought through the ages if we were to keep our country strong.

Theodore Roosevelt’s greatest gift to this country is before us.  It is not in the past, if we as Americans recognize that his message is not just a story from American history pages.  His message is an example, clearly defined. It details actions that are required if we desire to do something meaningful for our country. Join the good fight today.  You only need to read and interest others to do the same.  David Boyd, repeating what he had read, once said,  “The person we become is because of our experiences in life, the people we meet, and the books we read.”  It is time to have others meet Theodore Roosevelt.  It is time for a Theodore Roosevelt revival, “Fear God and do your own part”, is one of his famous quotes.  Your own part is as simple as helping to introduce others to an example of a life well lived by recommending our web site.
